Nationwide ( — When I think of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech delivered on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., I am encouraged to see that his dream is being manifested through my Hawaiian brothers and sisters and I am more determined than ever to reclaim blacks’ good name. On behalf of humanity, I write to express my appreciation to Hawaii State Rep. John Mizuno for standing with me to eradicate the use of the n-word by educating our society about its destructive poison. I commend Rep. Mizuno along with his colleagues, Senator Brickwood Galuteria and Rep. Karen Awana, for not only embodying the Hawaiian spirit of respecting diversity, but also for demonstrating to their fellow Americans the true meaning of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. meant in his above statement.
“To denigrate another person to elevate oneself displays patterns of fear, hatred, and racism,” declares Rep. John Mizuno. “Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s use of the n-word is an example of how our nation is still struggling with respect for its diversity. If we are to grow as a nation and realize the diversity dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we must stand together to denounce any and all forms of racism including this vicious racial slur.”
On August 9, 2011 during the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) in San Antonio, Rep. John Mizuno not only recognized my work to exterminate the most offensive, vicious and destructive racial slur ever created by mankind, the n-word, but he also pledged to continue to stand with me to stop this evil racial slur. Acting on Dr. King’s words that we cannot stand alone, Hawaii State Senator Brickwood Galuteria, Hawaii State Rep. Karen Awana, Hawaii State Rep. Mark Hashem, Texas State Rep. Alma Allen, former Texas State Rep. Dora Olivo and NAACP San Antonio Branch President Oliver Hill stood with us.
The rise of n-word incidents has made it clear that the offensive and destructive use of the “n” word, once thought to be on the decline, remains far too prevalent in our society. A time is coming when the n-word will be completely eradicated through a cycle of natural evolution, but in the meanwhile, the gatekeepers of decency must keep this racial terrorist at bay and bury it whenever its obscene head is reared. To live out the true meaning of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream, I’m calling upon every decent human being to join Rep. John Mizuno and me in our effort to eliminate this evil ethnic slur on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, August 28th.
A call for dignity and decency
Please join myself and Hawaii State Rep. John Mizuno in our campaign to PUT THE N-WORD IN ITS PLACE-BURIED IN HISTORY by taking the pledge below:
On behalf of the human race, I pledge from this day forward to value the Creator of mankind by respecting every man, women and child regardless of their race, religion, color, creed, gender or disability. I will always do my very best to respect my family, cultural heritage, neighbors, friends, teachers, classmates, community, country and myself.
Because I value every person and myself, I will never say hurtful words about others or call anyone a dirty racial slur. I will be kind to others in words and deeds. I will do my part to stop others from using dirty racial slurs that hurt others. I will never accept racism, sexism and terrorism as a cultural norm. I will say it loud on the hilltops, and in the valleys, that I’m proud to be one race-the human race!
By making this pledge, I promise to do my part to make my school, home, workplace, and community a friendlier place for all.
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